NI Chamber Blog

The 4 benefits of Quest services for NI Chamber’s Essential members

Written by Stevie Langford | Oct 11, 2024 1:27:57 PM

Did you know that as an NI Chamber Essential member, you can access a wealth of HR, health and safety, legal and tax advice via your Quest membership? 

We want to ensure you’re making the most of all the benefits your membership brings, including access to these useful sources of info and advice delivered by Quest 

 In this article, we'll cover:


What is Quest and its services? 

The exclusive recommended partner by the British Chambers of Commerce, Quest is a specialist provider of HR and health and safety services.  

It provides training, outsourced solutions, bespoke professional services or online solutions with resounding results.  

With over two decades of experience, Quest aims to fully understand your specific needs before personalising a tailored solution for you. 


What Quest services are included in your NI Chamber Essential membership? 

As an Essential member of the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce, you have access to Quest’s four key services.  

Let’s explore what’s on offer: 

HR advice

HR is a valuable support service for any business that is currently employing people. For a small business with no in-house specialists, it is an essential asset for supporting and strengthening teams. 

All the expertise needed on issues such as holiday pay, sickness and redundancy are easily accessible. Members have unlimited access to an HR advice line, where they can get guidance on human resources matters. There’s also a document library with over 130 HR templates. 


Health and safety advice

Every business must be compliant with health and safety regulations, so for those with no in-house expertise, this service is helpful. It can also support all SMEs with health and safety compliance. 

Quest’s health and safety services include an advice line for health and safety queries and a library of over 130 health and safety template documents. One-to-one Health and Safety ‘Health Check’ consultations are also available. 


Legal advice

Specialist legal advisors are available through the advice line. As an Essential member, you also have access to a wide range of legal documents. Importantly, there’s £1,000,000 Legal Expenses Insurance for claims up to £100,000, which includes employment cover and tax enquiry cover.


Tax advice

Whether you are a small startup looking for advice on how to manage your finances, or a large corporation seeking advice on tax planning, this service provides expert support and free professional guidance. 

Members can call Quest’s tax advice line for immediate answers to tax-related questions. Quest also provides access to over 800 free downloadable HR, health and safety, legal and business documents and a complimentary HR health check for your business.  


Final thoughts on Quest’s four key services

These services are designed to help businesses stay compliant with regulations, understand their responsibilities as employers, reduce costs by accessing expert advice, and create a safe environment for their employees.



Need help accessing your Quest account?  

We will set up your account for you, so you’re able to get started right away. Look out for an email from Quest with your login details and you will be set! 

You can log in to your account here. 

If you’re struggling to log in, please feel free to contact us here or reach out to Caroline Coyle, our Senior Business Development Manager:  


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